Why care about Personal Development?
Because we need to embrace life!
Of course, we’re talking about life, this existence or reality that each of us finds ourselves in on a daily basis.
So, what is life? That’s the $10,000 question. None of us asked to be here. Conversely, most of us also don’t ask to leave. So, you could say that life is a series of moments that are book-ended between two uncontrollable events. Does that make the moments that make up life uncontrollable as well? The answer is absolutely not.
We may not have been given a choice in regard to arriving here. We certainly have little control about when we leave. However, in between those two events, we’re free to do largely as we please.
We can use our time as we see fit or we can let others tell us how to use it. We can let the routine of the mundane keep time or we can set our own rhythms as we see fit.
In short, we can use our time here wisely or we can waste it.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung